Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Solomon's Guide to Review Notes

For those of us who do not know, occasionally I do some copy editing... Lol. Some of the stuff is decent, some is average. Most is downright appalling.

My lovely wife has asked for clarification on some of my comments. So I present: Solomon's Guide to Review Notes:

"Good" - Good.
"Great" - Great.
"Wow!" - That's pretty impressive!
"Yay!" - Wow, that is phenomenally unimpressive.
"?" - I'm not even sure what this means!
"Uh..." - This makes no sense.
"No" - No
"Really" - Are you sure about that?
"Oh rly?" - Absolutely not, no, not a chance, you have no clue what you're talking about.
"Not Reasonable" - Have you worked in a school before? Ever?
"OMG" - How could you even write that?
"OMFG" - This is so unbelievably unreasonable that my astonishment is inexpressible.
"Data?" - Do you have any evidence of what you're saying at all??
"WTF" - What possessed you to ever even vaguely believe this might possibly be relevant?
"Plug-n-Play" - Nice boiler plate. But, uh, gotcha.
(music notes) - Now that is some mighty impressive data manipulation skills.

Sadly, due to the nature of the Peer Review Process, the people I'm reviewing will never see these, or any of my far more relevant, comments written - the copies I'm reading will be shredded... What fun is that?

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